Sunday, January 9, 2011

We Sell Solutions to Help Grow Your Business

I am continuing my rant about the vague and obfuscating language in today's advertising and marketing.

Notice how companies no longer sell things like copiers, they sell "solutions." About 20 years ago, someone got this brilliant idea that "we don't sell things; we now sell solutions to grow your business," and companies have been running with this nonsense for the last two decades.

And why do use this language? Because they think it sounds smart. But really, it does just the opposite. That's because we used to be able to connect the dots ourselves. We knew that our problem was that we needed copies. We needed the solution of getting those duplicates. And distributing those copies to more customers would grow our business. We put that all together with our little noodles.

So in attempting to talk to us like we're smart, they're now speaking to us like we're total idiots.

So thank you for spelling out what a copier can do for me, you pretentious, patronizing fucks.

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